Early Help Assessment (EHA)

At St Chad's, we are fully committed to working in close partnership with our families which is why we have developed our own Early Help Offer. Sometimes, families need extra support beyond what the school can offer and an Early Help Assessment (EHA) may be recommended. 

The Early Help Assessment (EHA) is a shared assessment for use across all children’s services in Derby City and Derbyshire. It aims to help identify any emerging needs where children or families would benefit from co-ordinated support from more than one agency (e.g. education, health, housing and police) working together. The assessment is family based, meaning that each child’s needs and strengths can be put within one assessment. 

In Derby City and Derbyshire, practitioners, including all school practitioners are seeking to work collaboratively and respectfully with the family (or with young people on their own where it is age appropriate) in order to support them to address their needs at the lowest possible level and at the earliest possible time.

The completion of an EHA is a voluntary process. Although families can choose whether to be involved and can withdraw from the process at any time, as a school we recognise the benefits that an EHA can offer: supporting families so that small problems do not become big problems. We understand that the completion of an EHA may be daunting for some families which is why Mrs Kay, our school's Welfare Officer, will support parents/carers and the child(ren) through the whole process. We recognise  that each child and family member is an individual and that each family is unique in its make-up and reaching decisions about levels of need and the best intervention requires curious discussion, reflection and professional judgement. Concerns relating to the safeguarding of children will always be dealt with in accordance with our school's Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy and procedures.